Saturday, March 11, 2006

There's Beauty in the Breakdown.

(Click for enlargement. )

Tonight was quite the night photography wise. I set up this huge thing in the pursuit of the all too elusive perfect white background. This consisted of a sheet hanging from the wall, a stand with a lamp behind it, the front of the sheet over the ironing board for something for the vase to stand on, an overhead light and another lamp on the side. It took quite a few shots but I love this one quite a bit and am relatively happy with it. I Photoshopped some of the wrinkles out of the sheet that I couldn't get with the iron and cloned out some dirt I couldn't clean out of the bottle. The colours came out of the camera like that, they're unedited.

I'm making a triptych of the tulip dying ( goes with the title of this post) to use as a visual response to that lyric. Here's hoping this goes as planned and not nearly as many catastrophes occur as with the narrative sequence.

I love photography. *sigh*

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